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Support and Ease

I’m really enjoying Henry Shukman’s meditation app/course The Way. And also his book Original Love as an accompaniment to it. I find his way of highlighting different aspects of meditation – Mindfulness, Support, Flow and Awakening really helpful. Particularly themes of support and ease.

Despite how it can sometimes feel, we don’t do anything alone. We are supported by other people and the environment every day. By people immediately around us (sometimes!) But also by the the land and farmers producing food and bringing it to within walking distance of our door. By the sun. By trees producing oxygen. By whoever built the house we’re in. By whatever healthcare we’ve been given. We’re in a constant web of support if we can only learn to see it.

And with practice we can find more ease in our practice and life. Our effort is often the very thing that’s getting in the way. Trying harder can just get us more stuck. Like pulling harder on a knot instead of gently loosening it.

Both of these are themes we explore in improv. When we can trust the support of our fellow players, we can open up and relax a little more. When we find more ease, we can stop trying to be clever and allow space to surprise ourselves by discovering something new.

And in life too. Where would it be possible for you to relax, trust and open up a little in order to allow something to emerge that’s better than what you could have planned? Like on holiday – the best bits are often the surprises, right? And sometimes only come about because what we planned didn’t go how we expected.

I’ve been away on a holiday walking in Scotland. Some pics below from the Fife Coastal Path. Amazing light when it’s sunny. I think the rocks look like a face.

Hard to capture on a photograph – very clean bright light of the sky and the ?barley fields

I think the rocks look like a face here. Like the Moai on Rapa Nui / Easter Island.

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