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Collaborations and Guest Teaching

Can we work together on something else?

Most likely – yes!

This could be:

  • Me being a guest teacher on your course. For example, I’ve done this for Vix Anderton’s Decelerator programme and as part of a coaching training programme.
  • Us creating something together, as I did with Aisha Fakhro when we jointly devised and ran our Becoming the Change: Embodiment and Improv for Wellness Professionals course. Some photos of that here.
  • Me designing something for your company or group.

Email me and we can see if it feels like a good fit.

“It’s been such a joy working with Andy. Getting to co-teach a course on  was a rewarding experience and I appreciated how thoughtful and easygoing Andy was throughout the whole process.

I enjoyed being inspired by the ideas and suggestions he offered, and appreciated how openly he received and worked with mine as well.

Andy’s intentional, organized and lighthearted approach was immensely valuable to the experience we shared with the students, and I look forward to working with him again in the future!”

Aisha Fakhro, Counselor and Somatic Educator

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