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What Improv Can Do For You

Instead of getting caught up in whether you’re “good” at improv or not, an exploration of how improv can both support and stretch you.

  • 0:00 A reframe from thinking about performance to thinking about what improv can do for you.
  • 3:55 Four ways improv can be a support and nourishment. How it can help meet our deep needs for laughter, connection, surprise and stimulation.
  • 13:29 How improvised comedy can stretch you. Why many people find it scary and – if you do – how you can approach it.

A thoughtful one!

What Can Practicing Improv Do for You

The Laughology film I mentioned (recommended). It’s creator Albert Nerenberg has generously made it available on YouTube.

You can try regular Laughter sessions with Lisa Hatton. Email her to receive information about them here.

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