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Andy and Claire talking

Improv and Coaching

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Lovely fun conversation with Claire Pedrick MCC on coaching, presence and improv.  As I commented right at the start of the conversation, the chapter titles of Claire’s book – Not Knowing, Courage, Partnership, Silence, The Dance, Trust – could the… Read More »Improv and Coaching

Andy and Lex

Crossovers of Improv and Kink

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Fun conversation with Lex of Pleasure Rebels about the similarities and differences between improv and kink. We discussed aliveness, connection, shadows, misconceptions about kink and improv, fun, integrating changes into everyday life and how to calibrate exploring practices that feel… Read More »Crossovers of Improv and Kink

The Ingredients of Fun

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I hope spring is springing for you.  I’ve been able to get back to going to my local park in the mornings and reacquaint myself with the dog walkers.  We don’t really know each other.  But we see each other,… Read More »The Ingredients of Fun

Summer Specials – July

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Scroll down or click on the links for more details about an individual session. Transforming anxiety through drawing Kate Ryley 6-8pm BST Wednesday 12th July Register here (opens new page) An introduction to using neurographica to transform anxiety. No drawing… Read More »Summer Specials – July

Person in red dress offering tangerines

Winter Warmers

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Three special one off classes from Play/Connect participants. They’re free but you need to register. This means we have some idea of numbers and also means we can contact you about the session. When you join, I’ll share your registration… Read More »Winter Warmers

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