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“If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.”Dolly Parton Sometimes we might be in difficult circumstances. Pleasant and unpleasant emotions can exist at the same time. Someone close to me has been unwell recently and I… Read More »Rainbows

Support and Ease

I’m really enjoying Henry Shukman’s meditation app/course The Way. And also his book Original Love as an accompaniment to it. I find his way of highlighting different aspects of meditation – Mindfulness, Support, Flow and Awakening really helpful. Particularly themes… Read More »Support and Ease

Woman covering her eyes with her hands with her mouth open perhaps in anticipation of a pleasant surprise.

The Gifts of Not Knowing

Overthinking tells us that if only we had a bit more information, we could proceed, free of doubt and with guaranteed success. But learning to embrace an element of not knowing can lead to more freedom, wonder and discovery. Spoiler Alert! The… Read More »The Gifts of Not Knowing

Newly washed up cups and plates stacked on a drainer.

Ordinary Mind Is the Way

Peak experiences like an amazing improv scene, mind opening meditation are exciting! But, in improv, productivity, and simply being present for our lives, concentrating only on occasional special experiences can get in the way. There’s a line in a Zen… Read More »Ordinary Mind Is the Way

Andy and Claire talking

Improv and Coaching

Lovely fun conversation with Claire Pedrick MCC on coaching, presence and improv.  As I commented right at the start of the conversation, the chapter titles of Claire’s book – Not Knowing, Courage, Partnership, Silence, The Dance, Trust – could the… Read More »Improv and Coaching

Andy and Lex

Crossovers of Improv and Kink

Fun conversation with Lex of Pleasure Rebels about the similarities and differences between improv and kink. We discussed aliveness, connection, shadows, misconceptions about kink and improv, fun, integrating changes into everyday life and how to calibrate exploring practices that feel… Read More »Crossovers of Improv and Kink

The Ingredients of Fun

I hope spring is springing for you.  I’ve been able to get back to going to my local park in the mornings and reacquaint myself with the dog walkers.  We don’t really know each other.  But we see each other,… Read More »The Ingredients of Fun

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