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Improv and Coaching

Lovely fun conversation with Claire Pedrick MCC on coaching, presence and improv.  As I commented right at the start of the conversation, the chapter titles of Claire’s book – Not Knowing, Courage, Partnership, Silence, The Dance, Trust – could the chapter titles of a book about improv!

Improv and Coaching with Claire Pedrick
  • Listen audio only here or search of PlayConnect and look for a picture of me in a tree wherever you get your podcasts.

  • Claire’s book, with Lucia Baldelli, is The Human Behind the Coach (UK Amazon link)
  • Her podcast is The Coaching Inn
  • Claire and I are running Coaching with Presencea short online course on using improv to build the presence you bring to your coaching.  Three Fridays 9:30-11:45am BST from 5th July and again in November.  I’ll be running the improv pieces.  Claire will be taking part and facilitating the coaching learning.  More on that here.

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