Scroll down or click on the links for more details about an individual session.
- Transforming anxiety through drawing with Kate Ryley – 6-8pm BST Wednesday 12th July
- Your Creative Self: Learning to listen & express your inner voice through whole body journalling with Elestren Vassali – 6:30-8pm BST Tuesday 18th July
- Follow your curiosity – a journey into creative exploration and play with Maria Pulli 4-6pm BST Friday 28 July
Transforming anxiety through drawing
Kate Ryley
6-8pm BST Wednesday 12th July
Register here (opens new page)
An introduction to using neurographica to transform anxiety. No drawing ability required. See Kate and I discuss the class below. Kate’s planning on running a group in autumn so a good chance to see if it’s right for you too.
You’ll need to bring to the class:
- A4 white paper
- Black marker pen eg sharpie, felt tip
- Coloured pencils (ideally not wax crayons – felt tips won’t work on them)
- Highlighters
Register here (opens new page)
Your Creative Self: Learning to listen & express your inner voice through whole body journalling
Elestren Vassalli
6:30-8pm BST Tuesday 18th July

A workshop to listen to and express your inner voice through creative self expression.
We will explore multichannel creativity: verbal, words, drawing, colour and movement. Using whole body journalling to tune in, process and play with your inner voice and creative self.
This workshop is for anyone who wants to tune in and listen more to what they want to say. For anyone who wants to explore different ways of expressing yourself.
You do not need to be an artist, everyone has this inner creativity inside them and this is part of what we will be exploring.
This process is something I have been doing myself and I want to try it with a group to see how it lands. There will be space within this free session for feedback.
Come join in the fun and play 🥰
Register here (opens in new window)
Follow your curiosity – a journey into creative exploration and play
Maria Pulli
4-6pm BST Friday 28 July

Free but you need to register here. (Opens new window.) Max 10 people. Please only register if you solidly intend to come as there are limited places.
Would you like to explore a creative process with open-minded curiosity and experience how that process might influence improv?
In the first half of this class we will go through a guided expressive art process, beginning with sensory and movement exercises, then continuing with free drawing or painting, and some creative writing. The first half of this class will be guided, mainly silent, individual working.
In the second half we will explore open improv scenes and interactions, letting the creative process influence them.
This would be a good fit for you if you’d like to
- Experience going through a guided creative art process
- Experience what it’s like to follow your curiosity in a creative process
Limit: Maximum 10 people.
Wellbeing: Sections of this class will be quiet and possibly deep. It might be better to skip this class if you’re feeling unstable, in a crisis or suffering from a significant mental health condition. Ask Maria or Andy if you’re not sure.
Experience: You don’t need any artistic skill. You should have some comfort with improv e.g. you’ve done one or two courses including some long form / free form scenes.
What you need:
- pen/pencil and writing paper
- a couple of sheets of A3 or A2 size paper
- oil pastels, dry pastels or wax crayons. If you prefer to use colouring pencils or felt pens, those are also OK.
• any paints (watercolour, finger paint, acrylic etc) if you have them, but don’t worry if you haven’t
Note: Maria is an art therapist, but this workshop will be about creative exploration, not therapy.
Free but you need to register here. (Opens new window.) Max 10 people. Please only register if you solidly intend to come as there are limited places.