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Learn to play, have fun and improvise with a bit of real life enquiry too.

  • Making choices when there are no right (or wrong) answers
  • Stepping into uncertainty
  • Trusting your instincts
  • Being seen
  • Who we “allow” and “don’t allow” ourselves to be

Beginners, perfectionists and people scared of trying are particularly welcome!

If you want to hear when I’ll be next running a class, join my email list and I’ll let you know.

Letting Go of “Right” – Introduction to Improvisation Taster Class

Details here

The Delight of Surprising Yourself – Beginners’ Improvisation course

Details here

Laughter Lab

Details here

Sense and Silliness – Playing with Polarities!

Details here

Alchemy of the Open Heart

Details here

Possibility Posse – Joyful possibility in improv… and your life!

Details here

“I loved, loved, loved the taster session. It’s more like a favourite pair of jeans that makes me feel fab physically and emotionally- that will carry me well through life. That I can wear for any occasion, feel comfortable and supports me to express myself through language, movement and somatic sensations.”

Nicola Gorb Speech and Language Therapist

“This week I hosted my first, “Inner Play Lab,” where I helped others play around with different ways of defusing our thoughts, feelings, sensations, and judgments. It’s had rave reviews!!!  Your class helped me to have the confidence to be spontaneous, to tolerate being in the space of the unknown, and feel into what’s alive in the moment – and in doing so, you are helping me to support others in doing the same.”


Kati, Psychotherapist, USA

“If Mister Rogers, Ted Lasso, and Wallace (of Wallace and Gromit) had a baby, the result would be Andrew Cain. Andy is kind, compassionate, patient, safe, and inviting…and he’s really expanded my definition of what it means to be human. Over the course of three months, I’ve cried, laughed, smiled, and surprised myself more than I ever thought possible. What started as a mission to lighten up instead turned into a deep acceptance of self. I’m not perfect, and that’s OK. And as Andy points out, that might even be what makes me amazing. Thank you, Andy.”

Kathy Tagudin, Mind-Body Specialist, Orlando FL

Debbie talks about overcoming her initial fears and how it’s helped her in her coaching business.

Debbie Lee, Scotland

“I can’t tell you how much I’ve loved this class. Andrew’s teaching, the games we’ve played, and my new friends from all over the world. I think the title for the class is perfect because you do end up surprising yourself and just plain having fun!  I never would have dreamed of signing up for an improv class a year ago, but Andrew makes it so joyful and so safe to be as you are, to try things out, to take chances! This class has been the highlight of my week for 9 weeks now. I get to play and laugh and be human with others who are doing the same. I always leave with a smile on my face!”

Leigh Sloss, Yoga Therapist, New Hampshire, US

“I was everything Andy said he liked to work with – uptight, perfectionist, stiff, and self-judgmental.  The 8 weeks of his course was nothing less than transformational for me!

I feel more comfortable in my own skin in a way that I haven’t before.  I trust myself in the moment.  I have already noticed my anxiety go down when things don’t go according to plan.  I laugh and play in a way that I haven’t for years.

He built connection and a sense of trust, ease and fun in the group.  I felt connected to everyone and it was great to meet people from around the world!  I highly recommend any of his courses and can’t wait for the next one!”

Aislinn Canarr, Maine USA

“I come to class feeling like a boiled zucchini and leave feeling like everything is possible.” 🙂

Nadra, Italy

“I always felt welcome, no matter how I showed up. The course has helped me to notice many patterns and train new ones in a safe and fun environment. I absolutely recommend it, even if you are slightly terrified of improv and you’ve never done it before (like me). Andrew will inspire you, with tact, enthusiasm and kindness.”

Fabiana, Coach & Dance Teacher, Switzerland

“Andy holds a beautiful container for the people in his groups.  He helps with his own presence to bring connection between his participants so we all felt relaxed with each other. I originally signed up as the last 1.5 years made me forget easiness and lightness.  Doing the course, I remembered this crucial side of myself, which I consider in the end one of the strongest gifts a person can have and share with others:  Creating ease and fun in the present moment. I don’t believe we’re here to worry all the time about the future… I already signed up for another class!”

Lisa, Enthusiast of the Present Moment
“Doing improvisation with Andrew has allowed me to refine my communication skills and to cultivate curiosity. As a professional speaker and facilitator I feel not only more confident but also more able to avoid being sabotaged by my inner critic who tries to be too perfect and who can drain my energy! The improvisation practice has helped my facilitation style become more spontaneous and playful which is really super both for myself and my audiences. Working with Andrew is an absolute pleasure. He is as professional as he is playful and approachable.”
Celynn Morin, Wellbeing Speaker, Author & Facilitator

“Andy has this phenomenal capacity to meet you exactly where you are and welcome you safely and gently into a journey of discovery filled with joy, lightness and connection. The sessions are fun, supportive and insightful in the most organic way. As a therapist, what I appreciate more than anything about what Andy shares is how deeply therapeutic it feels in its invitation to playfulness and curiosity.

I can’t recommend improv with Andy highly enough!”

Aisha Fakhro, Bahrain

“I was very reluctant to try improv at first. I imagined that I’d be put on the spot to tell jokes and that sounded like the opposite of fun. I was afraid of doing it wrong or looking silly. Little did I know that these would be two of the things I would find utterly joyful about the classes. The penny quickly dropped that this is exactly what I need to work on as a recovering perfectionist who uses seriousness as a comfort blanket. I soon found that the impact went way beyond the two hours in class, into how I face uncertainty in my day-to-day life, how comfortable I am to follow the flow in coaching, and the way I converse with people.

Andrew is a marvellous teacher – through his gently encouraging facilitation and the community he builds around the classes, I felt really at ease and able to step into the limelight more than I’d ever imagined. It really feels like you have a whole team cheering you on every time you give it a go. Wonderful stuff!”

Gemma, London

“I am so glad I took the plunge to do the course. I love the sessions. I have really found another side to myself.”

Naomi, Brighton

“I really, really enjoyed it! It was fun, connecting, revealing, challenging and liberating.”

Hannah Bose, Florida USA

“Andrew’s class was an invitation to explore myself on a deeper level.  I’m glad I went.

Being able to feel at home within the gentle, playful and somewhat stretching environment meant that I could explore more of what has been holding me back from showing up as myself in the moment, and that need to get it right – that being me wasn’t or hasn’t been enough could pass on through.

It’s so much more than what my understanding of improv was. It’s like a game in which you get to play lots of different aspects of yourself.

It’s definitely designed with fun and laughter in mind.  If you allow yourself, you will not help but laugh.

Andrew is a gifted host and facilitator and brings so much fun energy to the space. Worth exploring if you haven’t been!”

Lisa Fernandez, Wales UK

“I’ve just completed ‘The Delight of Surprising Yourself’, Andy’s beginners’ improv course, which I hugely enjoyed. Andy was great at helping us all develop as well as connecting us together as a group. Apart from being great fun it has helped me to slow down, really listen, be more comfortable with uncertainty and more spontaneous. I would hugely recommend it and am looking forward to the follow on course.”

Lucy, Southampton, UK

“I absolutely loved your introductory class! Improv is definitely outside my comfort zone, but you created such a welcoming environment, and you very skillfully calmed everyone’s nerves. I had a lot of fun, and it was wonderful to uncover a playful aspect of myself that had been buried for a long time.”

Lisa Fisher, California

“It was a very safe and playful environment that you created during the workshop. I really appreciated the care you took with all participants.”

Susanne Bentley, Belgium

“I had always been terrified of improv. When I finally took the plunge in Andrew’s highly safe and encouraging workshop, it was a joy to meet my playful side. I amazed myself at what I did and how much I enjoyed it.”

Reethah Desai, UK

“I love how you are so open and honest about yourself.  The sessions are so helpful on all sorts of levels, as well as really fun. Would love to do more!”

Lucy, UK

“I joined Andy’s Play / Connect online session without any experience of improv or even knowing what to expect. I just knew that I needed a healthy dose of playfulness, laughter and connection. Andy and his session did not disappoint. He was able to bring strangers together in an online format with ease and grace. We all had the luxury of being with each other in such a fun way and forget for a short time the current perils. I highly recommend him and his fun-loving work.”

Jamie Abrams Founder | YogaJamie

“I was nervous but Andrew skilfully led the session which was really fun and flew by. It left me wanting more and I’ll be back as soon as I can!”

Marie Cockerell, UK

“I enjoyed it a lot and it opened a window to the world of improv. There are opportunities for us to get out of our comfort zone yet it remains fun and safe. I left the session energized, proud of my journey through my fears and slowly accepting and taming my troll(s).”

Sylvain Mahe | Executive Coach, Singapore

“I loved today so much.  The timing was perfect for a zoom session although I actually really wanted it to go on longer in many ways!  To have two hours of freedom from mind talk and a sense of play was heaven! You facilitated it like a true craftsman.”

Jo Miller, UK

“Thank you for providing such a warm and welcoming spot to explore.”

Lisa Bayer-Maisel, California

“I wanted to give it a go as it seemed fun and I was not disappointed! Andrew is a wonderful host with a great sense of humour. Everyone feels welcome. Looking forward to play and connect again :)”

Sophie, Belgium

“It was really fun – very supportive and encouraging 🙂”

Hon Chong, Bratislava
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