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List of Brene Brown's Guideposts to wholehearted living from The Gifts of Imperfection

The Gifts of Imperfection

I first read Brené Brown’s The Gifts of Imperfection in 2012, the same time as I started improv and her work influences my approach. It’s also why I think so many people feel nervous about improv.  Improv and play challenge… Read More »The Gifts of Imperfection

Zoom buttons for Play Connect parties / classes

My glamourous assistant and I made a 5 minute video demonstrating some Zoom buttons we use if you don’t know them already. (In this order, if you want to skip ahead.) See you there if you’re coming 🙂

When lightening up can be more effective

Untangling “serious.” Many languages equate “important” with “should be approached in a solemn way.” But sometimes lightening up can be more effective.

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